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儒道智慧永續應用全球研究中心 (The Center for Global Sustainable Application of Confucianism and Daoism)(以下簡稱「中心」),是東吳大學的校級研究中心,自2021年11月開始規劃籌備,經2022年1月校發會議通過,再經2022年6月校務會議通過,2022年7月13日舉辦了簡單隆重之揭牌儀式後,開始運作。

The Center for Global Sustainable Application of Confucianism and Daoism (hereinafter referred to as "the Center") is a university-level research center of Soochow University. The Center started its planning in November 2021, received the approval from the University’s Development Council in January 2022 and lastly the approval from the University Council in June 2022. It was officially inaugurated on July 13, 2022.


In the 21st century, the world has seen hit by climate change, global warming, epidemic, energy shortage and food shortage, among others. And yet, not only Great Powers in the world have failed to work together to deal and try to solve the common challenges faced by mankind, but the strong has continued bullying the weak and sanctioning and containing their counterparts. Military conflicts abound and a full-scale war between Great Powers could break out at any moment. The very survival of the earth and mankind is at stake!

在此時規劃與設立中心,就是要實現英國歷史學家湯恩比(Arnold Toynbee,1889-1975) 對中華文化經典思想的預言:「中國比其它任何國家要更有機會,引領人類達到政治和諧 (China has a more promising chance of shepherding mankind into political unity than any other country.)。」他肯定中華文化經典思想和心性智慧的優越性,認為這套思想和心性智慧是達成人類和諧相處、世界永續和平發展的唯一希望!中心就是要讓湯恩比的預言實現成真!

The Center was planned and established at this time to fulfill the prophecy of British historian Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975), i.e., "China has a more promising chance of shepherding mankind into political unity than any other country.” He affirmed the superiority of the classical thoughts and wisdom of the Chinese culture and believed the said thoughts and wisdom would be the only hope for the harmonious coexistence of mankind and the sustainable development of the world. The Center aims to make Dr. Toynbee's prophecy come true.
